Nikko In April
Below, Pagoda at the Toshogu Shrine, Nikko, Japan.
Written with characters meaning sunlight, the name Nikko has become synonymous with splendour. This is mainly due to the elaborate and highly decorative mausoleum of the first Tokugawa shogun - Tokugawa Ieyasu. Built in the mid-17th century and subsequently greatly aggrandised by Ieyasu’s grandson, the location of this monument pulled Nikko out of years of obscurity brought about by its decline as a training centre for Buddhist monks. The building of the shrine was also a shrewd political move with the vast cost of construction being passed on to the Daimyo class thus helping limit their wealth and power and reinforcing the position of the Tokugawa dynasty.
Nikko has long been a heartland of spirituality and provides a rich variety of experiences. The first thing that strikes most visitors upon arrival is the setting; nestled amidst sumptuous mountain scenery, the town offers eye-catching views in all seasons.

Sleeping cat, symbol of peace, carving attributed to Hidari Jingoro, Toshogu, Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The town’s deep historical connection with Buddhism has certainly left its mark as temples and the tombs of prominent Buddhists are ubiquitous. The temples and shrines of Nikko are characterised by simplicity and austerity highlighting their function as places of worship. The Tosho-gu stands in opposition to this idea. Brightly painted in reds and greens with a cacophony of carvings, the Tosho-gu is more a celebration of the successes of the Tokugawa shogunate than a tribute to the principles of Tendai Buddhism represented by the, “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” monkeys. The site is often crowded with Japanese “pilgrims” giving little hint of the actuality that religion is moribund in Japan.
The town’s deep historical connection with Buddhism has certainly left its mark as temples and the tombs of prominent Buddhists are ubiquitous. The temples and shrines of Nikko are characterised by simplicity and austerity highlighting their function as places of worship. The Tosho-gu stands in opposition to this idea. Brightly painted in reds and greens with a cacophony of carvings, the Tosho-gu is more a celebration of the successes of the Tokugawa shogunate than a tribute to the principles of Tendai Buddhism represented by the, “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” monkeys. The site is often crowded with Japanese “pilgrims” giving little hint of the actuality that religion is moribund in Japan.
Away from the crowds and into the hills surrounding Nikko it is easy to understand why such a site is the centre of religious pilgrimage. Walking by Lake Chuzenji, it is possible to become fully immersed in nature especially during the autumn when the Japanese maple turns its glorious red.
Nikko is timeless Japan, superb artistry in a setting of spellbinding nature.
On the Way to the Shrine -- The first indication that you're nearing the shrine is the vermilion-painted Sacred Bridge (Shinkyo)
arching over the rushing Daiyagawa River. It was built in 1636, and for
more than 3 centuries only shoguns and their emissaries were allowed to
cross it. Today, you can cross it by paying ¥300, or you can take the
modern vehicular bridge for free.
Across the road from the Sacred Bridge, steps lead uphill into a forest
of cedar where, after a 5-minute walk, you'll see a statue of Shodo, a priest who founded Nikko 1,200 years ago at a time when mountains were revered as gods. In the centuries that followed, Nikko became one of Japan's
greatest mountain Buddhist retreats, with 500 subtemples spread through
the area. Behind Shodo is the first major temple, Rinnoji Temple, where
you can buy a combination ticket for ¥1,300 for adults, ¥450 for children; it allows entry to Rinnoji Temple and its garden, Toshogu Shrine,
neighboring Futarasan Shrine, and the other Tokugawa mausoleum,
Taiyuin. Once at Toshogu Shrine, you'll have to pay an extra ¥520 to see
Ieyasu's tomb. Combination tickets sold at the entry to Toshogu Shrine
already include Ieyasu's tomb. It doesn't really matter where you buy
your combination ticket, since you can always pay the extra fee to see
sights not covered. A note for bus riders: If you take the bus to the
Nishi Sando bus stop, the first place you'll come to is the Taiyuin
Mausoleum, where you can also purchase a combination ticket.
Toshogu Shrine and the other sights in Nikko Sannai are open daily April
to October from 8am to 5pm (to 4pm the rest of the year); you must
enter at least 30 minutes before closing time.
Rinnoji Temple -- Rinnoji Temple (tel. 0288/54-0531) was founded by the priest Shodo in the 8th century, long before the Toshogu clan came onto the scene. Here you can visit Sanbutsudo Hall,
a large building that enshrines three 8.4m-high (28-ft.) gold-plated
wooden images of Buddha, considered the "gods of Nikko"; today people
pray here for world peace. Perhaps the best thing to see at Rinnoji
Temple is Shoyo-en Garden (opposite Sanbutsudo Hall). Completed
in 1815 and typical of Japanese landscaped gardens of the Edo Period,
this small strolling garden provides a different vista with each turn of
the path, making it seem much larger than it is. Your ticket also gains
entrance to a small treasure house, where relics are displayed on a
rotating basis.
Toshogu Shrine -- The most important and famous structure in Nikko is Toshogu Shrine (tel. 0288/54-0560),
built by Tokugawa's grandson (and third Tokugawa shogun), Tokugawa
Iemitsu, as an act of devotion. It seems that no expense was too great
in creating the monument: Some 15,000 artists and craftspeople were
brought to Nikko from all over Japan, and after 2 years' work, they
erected a group of buildings more elaborate and gorgeous than any other
Japanese temple or shrine. Rich in colors and carvings, Toshogu Shrine
is gilded with 2.4 million sheets of gold leaf (they could cover an area
of almost 2.4 ha/6 acres). The mausoleum was completed in 1636, almost
20 years after Ieyasu's death, and was most certainly meant to impress
anyone who saw it as a demonstration of the Tokugawa shogunate's wealth
and power. The shrine is set in a grove of magnificent ancient Japanese cedars
planted over a 20-year period during the 1600s by a feudal lord named
Matsudaira Masatsuna. Some 13,000 of the original trees still stand,
adding a sense of dignity to the mausoleum and shrine.
You enter Toshogu Shrine via a flight of stairs that passes under a huge
stone torii gateway, one of the largest in Japan. On your left is a
five-story, 35m-high (115-ft.) pagoda. Although normally pagodas
are found only at temples, this pagoda is just one example of how
Buddhism and Shintoism are combined at Toshogu Shrine. After climbing a
second flight of stairs, turn left and you'll see the Sacred Stable,
which houses a sacred white horse. Horses have long been dedicated to
Shinto gods and are kept at shrines. Shrines also kept monkeys as well,
since they were thought to protect horses from disease; look for the
three monkeys carved above the stable door, fixed in the poses of "see
no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" -- they're considered guardians of
the sacred horse. Across from the stable is Kami-Jinko, famous
for its carving by Kano Tanyu, who painted the images of the two
elephants after reading about them but without seeing what they actually
looked like.
The central showpiece of Nikko is Yomeimon Gate, popularly known
as the Twilight Gate, implying that it could take you all day (until
twilight) to see everything carved on it. Painted in red, blue, and
green, and gilded and lacquered, this gate is carved with about 400
flowers, dragons, birds,
and other animals. It's almost too much to take in at once and is very
un-Japanese in its opulence, having more in common with Chinese
architecture than with the usual austerity of most Japanese shrines.
You can visit the shrine's main sanctuary, Hai-den, comprising
three halls: One was reserved for the Imperial family, one for the
shogun, and one (the central hall) for conducting ceremonies. You can
buy good-luck charms here that will guard against such misfortunes as
traffic accidents, or that will ensure good health, success in business,
easy childbirth, or other achievements in daily life. To the right of
the main hall is the entrance to Tokugawa Ieyasu's mausoleum. If
it's not already included in your combination ticket, admission is ¥520
extra. After the ticket counter, look for the carving of a sleeping cat
above the door, dating from the Edo Period and famous today as a symbol
of Nikko (you'll find many reproductions in area souvenir shops). Beyond
that are 200 stone steps leading past cedars to Tokugawa's tomb. After
the riotous colors of the shrine, the tomb seems surprisingly simple.
On the way out you'll pass Yakushido, famous for its dragon
painting on the ceiling. A monk gives a brief explanation (in Japanese
only) and demonstrates how two sticks struck together produce an echo
that supposedly resonates like a bell. Twelve statues here represent the
Chinese zodiac calendar.
Futarasan Shrine -- Directly to the west of Toshogu Shrine is Futarasan Shrine,
the oldest building in the district (from 1617), which has a pleasant
garden and is dedicated to the gods of mountains surrounding Nikko.
You'll find miniature shrines dedicated to the god of fortune, god of
happiness, god of trees, god of water, and god of good marriages. On the
shrine's grounds is the so-called ghost lantern, enclosed in a
small vermilion-colored wooden structure. According to legend, it used
to come alive at night and sweep around Nikko in the form of a ghost. It
apparently scared one guard so much that he struck it with his sword 70
times; the marks are still visible on the lamp's rim. Entrance to the
miniature shrines and ghost lantern is ¥200 extra.
Taiyuin Mausoleum -- Past Futarasan Shrine is Taiyuin Mausoleum,
the final resting place of Iemitsu, the third Tokugawa shogun (look for
his statue). Completed in 1653, it's not nearly as large as Toshogu
Shrine, but it's ornate and serenely elegant nevertheless. To show
respect for the first shogun, Taiyuin's buildings face Toshogu Shrine.
Tourists usually bypass this shrine, making it a pleasant last stop on
your tour of Nikko Sannai.
Nikko Tamozawa Imperial Villa (Tamozawa Goyoutei Kinen Koen) -- If you haven't seen the Imperial villas of Kyoto (which require advance planning), this villa, at 8-27 Honcho,
is a great alternative. Although it's not as old, having been built in
1899 for Prince Yoshihito (who later became the Taisho emperor) and
recently painstakingly restored so that it looks brand new, it has the
distinction of being the largest wooden Imperial villa of its era, with
106 rooms, 37 of which are open to the public. In addition, the central
core of the villa is actually much older, constructed in 1632 by a
feudal lord and brought to Nikko from Edo (present-day Tokyo).
Altogether, three emperors and three princes used the villa between
1899 and 1947. A self-guided tour of the villa provides insight into
traditional Japanese architectural methods -- from its 11 layers of
paper-plastered walls to its nail-less wood framing -- as well as the
lifestyle of Japan's aristocracy. Be sure to wander the small, outdoor
garden. Admission is ¥500 for adults, half-price for children. Open
Wednesday to Monday 9am to 4:30pm. It's about a 20-minute walk from
Toshogu Shrine, or take the bus to the Tamozawa stop.
Where I'll be staying:
Wonderful article on the importance and value of Nikko:
By STEVE LOHR; STEVEN LOHR is a correspondent in Tokyo bureau of The New York Times.
Published: 1983
Much of Japan's beauty, both natural and man-made, is a subtle attraction. From bonsai trees to shoji screens, the esthetic inclination of Japan has usually been toward simplicity and miniaturization. It is little wonder that this is the case on a volcanic archipelago the size of California, crowded with people and short of space. So Japan is rarely considered a place of jolting scenic vistas or human monuments. Yet the country does have spots that, at a glance, will make jaws drop. Perhaps nowhere in Japan are more such experiences offered than in Nikko, 75 miles and a two- hour train ride north of Tokyo, owing to the handiwork of both man and nature.
Nikko is best known as the site of the Toshogu Shrine, an explosion of color and craftmanship that is one of the most dazzling architectural specimens in Asia. All gold and richly colored lacquer, decorated with elaborate carvings of all manner of beasts, plant life and gargoyles, Toshogu is Japan's Versailles - lavish, ornate and monumental. It is set in a vast green slice of towering cedar trees, a scene of serenity that not even the onslaught of endless processions of flag-waving, picture-snapping Japanese tour groups can entirely disrupt.
The Toshogu Shrine was built in the first half of the 17th century and was consecrated to the Tokugawa shogunate, the last of the five families of shoguns, or military dictators, who ruled Japan for nearly 700 years under the nominal leadership of an emperor. Situated at the entrance to Nikko National Park, the shrine includes about 30 structures, nearly all of which have been designated by the Japanese government as national treasures or important cultural properties.
Construction of the vast mausoleum began in the early 1630's and was completed in 1636, two decades after the death of Ieyasu, the first Tokugawa shogun. His grandson Iemitsu oversaw the work, done according to Ieyasu's instructions.
Its style is a baroque version of the architecture of the Momoyama period (1573-1598), which itself was known for a generosity of decorative detail. In scale and appearance, Toshogu looks Chinese. To build it, 15,000 of Japan's finest artists and craftmen were drafted into service, mostly from Kyoto and Nara. It is said that 2,489,000 sheets of gold leaf were used in gilding various rooms and exteriors, enough to cover six acres.
Beginning in the town of Nikko itself, the long main street leads to the Sacred Bridge over the Daiya River. The arched span, 92 feet long by 24 feet wide, is lacquered red with gilt metal ornaments and rests on two huge stone supports at either end, shaped like torii (shrine gates).
According to legend, the bridge marks the spot where a famous eighth- century Buddhist priest, Shodo, crossed the river on the backs of two giant serpents on his pilgrimage to Mt. Nantai. The original bridge, built in 1636 for use by the shogun and his messengers on their visits to the shrines, was destroyed by floods in 1902. It was rebuilt in 1907.
Just beyond the bridge is a monument erected by Masatsuna Matsudaira, one of the powerful daimyo, or feudal lords, of the 17th century. Its inscription, dated April 17, 1648, states that he was responsible for the Japanese cedar trees, or cryptomeria, that were planted over the preceding two decades around the Nikko shrines and along the roads from the sacred bridge to several neighboring villages.
It is said that Masatsuna Matsudaira planted the trees because he was either a bit poorer or more stingy than the other daimyo, who contributed expensive offerings to the shrine. The Japanese cedars, he figured, would take much time and work but would be less costly. The 20 years of planting was completed in 1651. Today, 13,000 of the original trees still stand. And along the pathways surrounding the shrines, the sweet scent of these cedar spires hangs heavy in the air.
A short walk from the Sacred Bridge are the famed Nikko shrines. They are often referred to generically as Toshogu but in fact the shrine area has four main sections: Rinnoji Temple, the Toshogu Shrine, the Futaarasan Shrine and the Daiyu-in Mausoleum.
From the bridge, the Rinnoji Temple is on the right side of the avenue leading to the Toshogu Shrine. Once inside its front gate, the hombo, or abbot's residence, can be seen on the right. This is where Gen. Ulysses S. Grant stayed for eight days when he visited Nikko in 1879, two years after he completed his term as President.
The temple is best known for its main hall, called the Sambutsudo (Three Buddhas Hall) for the three huge gilded wood images it houses. The three deities are 26 feet tall; the one on the left, Bato Kannon, is the most arresting in appearance, with the figure of a horse's head sprouting from its forehead. It is thought to be the incarnation of animal spirits and is worshipped as the deity for the protection of animals. The Three Buddhas Hall itself, built in 1648, is the largest historical structure in Nikko, measuring 112 feet long, 84 feet wide and 85 feet high.
A few minutes' stroll from Rinnoji is the entrance to the Toshogu Shrine of Ieyasu, founder of the dynasty of military dictators that ruled Japan from 1603 to 1867. Ieyasu was a harsh overlord, who devised a system that heavily taxed the daimyo and kept them in court, where he could keep an eye on them. Employing this system, he and his descendants brought more than two centuries of enforced peace to Japan after 150 years of wrenching civil wars.
The broad flight of 10 stone steps at the shrine's entrance is called Senin Ishidan, Thousand-Men Stone Steps, so named because in early times common people were not allowed inside the shrine, but they could assemble on these steps during festivals.
Inside, there are more than a dozen main structures - a five-story pagoda, gates, storehouses, a well, drum tower, belfry, scripture library, palanquin shed, dance stage, covered corridors, two spirit shrine rooms and, up more than 200 steps on a hill behind, Ieyasu's tomb. Of this assemblage, the tomb is the one simple structure, a comparatively uncluttered black-and-gold building, with a stone monument protected by a lion and a crane statue. Most of the rest is a flood of extravagant, ornate craftsmanship. Viewing it is both dazzling and exhausting.
Probably most striking is the Yomeimon (Gate of Sunlight), which forms the opening to the oratory and main hall. It is popularly known as Higurashimon, or Twilight Gate, because people want to inspect it until twilight falls.
Yomeimon is widely acknowledged as the most richly adorned traditional gate in Japan, a jewel reflecting many of the artistic techniques of the Momoyama period. With its 12 columns and two stories, Yomeimon Gate is 23 feet long, 15 feet deep and 37 feet high. Overhead, you see waves of carved, multicolored flora and fauna - lions, tigers, giraffes, foxes, badgers, tapirs, ducks, sages, princes, courtesans, children, peasants, unicorns, dragons, bamboo, flowers, pines twisting, growing, swarming, running, jumping, gamboling, growling and leering in every direction. This is the representative example of the art that has made Toshogu famous, but it is also a style that has been branded sheer architectural decadence.
At the extremities of traditional Japanese architecture and design, it is said, are Toshogu and the Katsura Imperial Villa in Kyoto, with the latter representative of the elegant simplicity that has influenced modern design. Praising Katsura and belittling Toshogu became the fashion in Japanese intellectual circles especially after a German architect, Bruno Taut, emigrated to Japan in the 1930's and called Katsura ''an eternal thing,'' comparing its significance to the Parthenon in Athens.
Mr. Taut's enthusiasm caused Japanese intellectuals of the time to reappraise Katsura, a building that had been all but ignored for the previous 150 years. The Japanese have been flocking to Nikko's Toshogu, however, for centuries.
Wherever one's esthetic sympathies lie, Toshogu's appearance is not the result of the idiosyncratic or frivolous tastes of a powerful ruler. Its style derives from its function. Toshogu was built to deify Ieyasu and thereby sanctify the authority of the Tokugawa shogunate. (Indeed, Ieyasu was posthumously named East-Illuminating Incarnation of a Bodhisattva and made a Buddhist deity.) Accordingly, Toshogu was designed to display its size and its costliness. And the purpose of the elaborate ornamentation and detailing was to leave the observer with a sense of awe, dramatically demonstrating the wealth and power of the shogunate. The cost of all this, and the resulting taxation of the feudal lords, leaving them too impoverished to mount challenges to the rule of the Tokugawa family, may have also been a consideration.
The symbolism and the storytelling in the carved images that adorn Toshogu's many buildings are reminders that authority is to be obeyed. For example, the sacred stable is decorated with a carved version of the three monkeys in the famous ''hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil'' poses. Japanese scholars point out that this image is a reminder that in a feudal society the people are expected to follow, and that Japanese of the Edo period understood the point perfectly. To underline that Toshogu's style results from its function, it is sometimes noted that the shogun who built it also oversaw the design of a garden for Edo Castle that is said to rival that of Katsura in its serene simplicity.
The Futaarasan Shrine is a short way from the Toshogu Shrine. Futaarasan enshrines three Shinto deities that, according to belief, bring prosperity to the country. Their origins can be traced to Mt. Futaara (the present Mt. Nantai). In fact, the Futaarasan Shrine is three shrines: this one, one at the foot of the mountain on the shore of Lake Chuzenji and one at the summit.
At the entrance of the shrine near Toshogu is a striking bronze torii gate that is 22 feet high. Though Futaarasan boasts a Chinese gate, its style is more subdued than that of its famous neighbor. At the southwest corner of the main shrine is an antique bronze lantern that is 7 1/2 feet high, called Bake-Doro (Goblin Lantern). It is said to have assumed the shape of a goblin at night. One night some swordsmen slashed it; the scratches are still visible. The Futaarasan Main Hall, built in 1619, is the oldest building in Nikko.
Just beyond Futaarasan is the Daiyu-in Mausoleum of Iemitsu, the third Tokugawa shogun. The layout of Iemitsu's mausoleum is roughly the same as Toshogu but the scale is smaller, the style and ornamentation simpler and the crowds smaller.
Beyond Toshogu, Nikko National Park, with its mountain scenery, ancient trees, rivers, lakes and waterfalls, is a concatenated topography created by volcanic activity with Mt. Nantai, a dormant volcano rising 8,150 feet above sea level, as its centerpiece. The lava flows of eons past dammed up mountain streams on a high plateau, forming Lake Chuzenji. The drive from the train station up to Chuzenji is a succession of hairpin turns, with the view back down the slope improving as you go. At the top, the vista resembles a tree-covered Grand Canyon. In autumn, it becomes a kaleidoscope of multicolored foliage, which is why the fall is Nikko's most popular tourist season.
Kegon (Flower Garland) Fall, nearly twice as high as Niagara Falls, is an outlet for Lake Chuzenji. The water runs through a forest and over the tree-lined escarpment, as if it had taken a wrong turn thousands of years ago and kept its aberrant course. Then it drops nearly 330 feet in a 10-foot-wide ribbon, piercing the pool below. The result is a mesmerizing aquatic descent accompanied by a steady, pleasant rumble.
The Japanese have a saying, ''Never say 'kekko' (magnificent) until you''ve seen Nikko.'' The Toshogu Shrine and its surroundings are mainly responsible for it. Visitor's guide to Nikko
In summer Nikko's elevation makes Lake Chuzenji a cool retreat from steamy Tokyo; hotel rooms can be hard to get on summer weekends. For most of the year, the Nikko area affords boating, fishing, camping and hiking. In winter, the ski slopes come alive. Peak tourist seasons are summer and fall. The Sacred Bridge and the Nikko shrines are within walking distance of Nikko Station.
Nikko Senhime Monogatari
6-48 Yasukawacho, Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture 321-1432 , Japan
Hotel amenities
Ranked #1 of 92 Nikko B&B and Inns
Nikko is a town in the mountains in Tochigi prefecture, about 150 km north of Tokyo, and is included among theUNESCO World Heritage list.
The area around the stations to Nikko, where tourists usually arrive (the JR station and the Tobu station) has nothing special to be suggested.
Walking north for about 2 km on foot (see map for clarify your ideas) or by bus (300 yen, frequency every 15 minutes), you arrive in the most famous area of the town, Nikko Sannai.
Shinkyo Bridge ("Sacred bridge")
(the crossing costs 300 yen, opening hours Apr-Oct 8-17, Nov-Mar 9-16)
A bridge over the river Daiya that practically marks the entrance to the Sannai area, located north of the river.
It is considered one of the 3 most beautiful bridges in Japan.
Quello attuale fu costruito nel 1636, The current one was built in 1636, but before there was another bridge with unclear origins that was called Yamasuge-no-Jabashi, literally "Bridge of Snakes".
The legend says in fact that such a priest Shodo Shonin and his disciples, around the year 766, were unable to cross the river because of the currents and had began to pray, until a god appeared, Jinja Daio, who launched two snakes, a blue one and a red one, that were disposed forming a bridge over the river and allowing them to cross it, and then they disappeared.
Today the bridge can be admired and photographed crossing the river by a modern bridge built next to it, but if you want to cross the Shinkyo bridge you have to pay 300 yen.
Preliminary remark: Combination Ticket
If you plan to visit all or almost all the temples listed below in the zone of Sannai (Toshogu Shrine, Rinnoji Temple, Futarasan Shrine, Taiyuinbyo), then it is strongly recommended to purchase a combination ticket that costs only 1000 yen and gives you access to all these places, with exception of the Treasure House and the Shoyoen Garden at the Rinnoji Temple (+300 yen) and the tomb of Tokugawa Ieyasu at the Toshogu Shrine (+520 yen).
You can buy this ticket in any of the temples.
Toshogu Shrine
(admission 1300 yen, hours: nov-mar 8-16, apr-oct 8-17)
This shrine is the mausoleum of Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder of the Tokugawa shogunate that ruled Japan for 250 years from 1603.
Around it there are numerous small Buddhist and Shinto temples and shrines, and a 5-story pagoda (36 meters) built in 1650 but destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1818.
Very famous is also the entrance gate in the southern part, the Yōmeimon Gate, also called Higurashi-no-mon gate that literally means "The gate for which people would spend all day looking at it". There are infact carved508 sculptures.
Among the total 5173 sculptures that are spread within the Toshogu Shrine, very famous are the three wise monkeys.
the entrance to the Toshogu Shrine, the Yōmeimon Gate in the background
"three wise monkeys" carving (symbol of the Buddhist principle "don't hear evil, don't speak evil, dom't see evil") and a pagoda inside the Toshogu Shrine
Rinnoji Temple
(admission 400 yen, +300 yen for the Treasure House and Soyoen Garden, hours: nov-mar 8-16, apr-oct 8-17)
A large complex of Buddhist temples, founded in 766 by priest Shodo Shonin.
The main building, which is often known as "Rinnoji Temple", is this building below, the Sanbutsu-doh Hall, inside which there are 3 famous statues of Buddha (Amida Buddha, Senju-Kannon, Bato-Kannon).
Near the Rinnoji Temple (it belongs to it) there is a Japanese style garden built in the Edo period, the Shoyoen Garden, next to which there is the Treasure House, a small museum that displays objects related to Buddhism and the Tokugawa family.
The admission to these two places must be paid separately (+300 yen) and they are non included in theCombination ticket.
Futarasan Shrine (Futarasan jinja)
(admission 200 yen, hours: nov-mar 8-16, apr-oct 8-17)
A Shinto shrine founded in 782 by the same priest Shodo Shonin of the legend of the Shinkyo Bridge (which formally belongs to Futarasan jinja) and who also founded the Rinnoji Temple.
(admission 550 yen, hours: nov-mar 8-16, apr-oct 8-17)
The mausoleum of the third shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty (Iemitsu), grandson of that Tokugawa Ieyasu buried at Toshogu Shrine.
Besides the temples and shrines about which I just wrote, something else interesting in Nikko is located west of the Sannai area, about 20 minutes walk from Sankyo Bridge in the direction of the river, passing through a residential area (see map at bottom of page).
(The combination ticket isn't valid to places listed hereafter)
Kanmangafuchi Abyss
A very particular area along the river Daya characterized by rapids and small waterfalls, formed during an eruption of nearby Mount Nantai.
Just south of the river in this area there is another of the most famous places of Nikko, a series of 70 Buddhist statues (jizo), called "Narabi Jizo" (lined jizo), "Hyaku Jizo" (100 jizo), or also "Bake Jizo" (ghost jizo). Some curious "hearsay" are said infact about this place, like that the statues change periodically disposition and no one has ever seen them in the same position, or that it is impossible to count the exact number.
Also in this area, on the other side of the river (north) there is the Tamozawa Villa and the Nikko Botanical Garden.
Kanmangafuchi Abyss, Daiya river (photo taken by Daisuke Kunioka)
Jizo statues near Kanmangafuchi Abyss
Tamozawa Villa Memorial Park
(admission 500 yen, hours: nov-mar 9-16:30, apr-oct 9-17, closed on tuesdays)
Questa enorme villa di 4500 mq e 106 stanze fu costruita nel 1899 come residenza per le vacanze estive della famiglia imperiale.
Si tratta dell'unico esempio di antica villa imperiale rimasto in Giappone. Molto interessante è l'architettura della costruzione che riunisce in se gli stili delle ere Edo, Meiji e Taisho, ed è uno dei più grandi edifici in legno di tutto il paese.
L'interno è anche molto particolare in quanto arredato a tratti in stile giapponese, a tratti in stile occidentale.
La Villa è circondata da un giardino, e il tutto occupa un'area di ben 30.000 mq, che tuttavia sono soltanto meno di un terzo dell'area occupata originalmente.
Botanical Garden
(admission 330 yen, hours: 9-16:30, closed on mondays and during winter from december 1 to april 14)
A botanical garden owned by the University of Tokyo, originally created to study the alpine species. It is located right next to the Tamozawa Villa.
Today the park is open to the public, and besides a special section dedicated to the alpine plants, and another devoted to plants of marsh, it is home to many other trees and plants from all over Japan scattered around the park.
The main botanical garden of the University of Tokyo is located in Tokyo the ward of Bunkyo.
From the stations of Nikko buses leave constantly to the region of Okunikko, whose famous Lake Chuzenji is located less than than an hour by road.
Also in Tochigi prefecture, along the route between Tokyo and Nikko, making a small deviation you can reach the town of Mibu, where the Bandai Museum is located.
View Nikko in a larger map
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